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6. BIOMETRICS, IDENTITY & CULTURE / Anjali Ramachandran

How is biometric tech impacting our identity, culture and social structures? I talk with Anjali Ramachandran about some of the ways in which new technologies are shaping society, economics and our everyday life, with a special focus on emerging markets.

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About Anjali

I first met Anjali several years ago through a project she co-founded, called Ada’s List. A community for women who broadly work in science, tech, engineering and maths, it has grown into global network that is helping to change communities, workplaces, and the industry for the better.

Anjali is also an Editor at Storythings, a content studio in London that also publishes How We Get To Next – a non-profit funded by the Gates Foundation. This project explores the intersections between science, technology and culture, and how those things are changing the future.

1. What’s your greatest concern for the future?

Great question. Very thought-provoking and it’s making me think a lot. My greatest hope is that people will use technology as a cause for good. And where it isn’t, then they get together to shut it down because I think it’s important to remember that at the end of the day technology is a tool, it reflects its users. And so if we want to use it for good, then we can do that and if people don’t want to use it for good and use it for bad, that can be done as well.

2. What’s your greatest hope?

So I think it’s important – as a hope – to hope that it will be used for the betterment of society.

3. What single action can we take right now?

It would be to go and speak to someone that they’ve never spoken to before in terms of the background of the person that they intend to speak to. So if you come from a predominantly white neighbourhood or you come from a predominantly upper-class environment and you haven’t had the chance to volunteer with kids in a low-income school, then go do that.

See the kinds of conversations that they have, listen to the kinds of conversations that they have and try and think about what you’re doing that can help people like them.

I think that’s important because just living in your own bubble is limiting and I think getting out of that bubble is quite empowering and can help people create a lot of positive change.

Find out more

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Written, recorded & produced by Nathalie Nahai © 2018.

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