Videos & Topics

Each keynote is crafted to deliver a unique, practical, high-value experience that will resonate with your audience long after the event.

Below is a selection of topics Nathalie speaks about - if you would like to enquire about a different topic, please get in touch.


  • Reclaiming human connection in an age of AI

  • Marketing & Machine: Building trust, integrity & brand loyalty in an age of AI

  • Business Unusual: The psychology behind resilient brands

  • The secret psychology of resonant communication

  • Leveraging persuasive tech & consumer psychology to design powerful customer experiences


This thought-provoking talk explores the intricate balance between the march of automation and human connection, and reveals how we can adapt to a changing landscape of decision-making and engagement in an age of AI.

As we look towards a more automated, performance-oriented future – from how we engage consumers to the ways in which we work – it can be easy to believe there’s increasingly little room for our own ingenuity, skills and imagination.

Yet as technology becomes increasingly integrated into all aspects of life, it is precisely our ability to step back and understand others at a more meaningful level that will enable us to thrive.


Customers are expecting more and more from the brands they interact with, but the online environment is becoming increasingly complex.

With expectations of personalisation and convenience coming into tension with concerns for privacy and data control, how can brands succeed?

In this talk you’ll discover how to ethically apply psychological principles to your marketing, website and product design so as to help build trust, create rewarding customer experiences and stand out from the competition.


When it comes to designing persuasive websites, apps or tools, it’s those that can turn initial engagement into habitual use that become the most successful.

From endowed progress and cognitive load to hedonic adaptation, in this talk we’ll explore seven of the most powerful psychological principles you can use and apply ethically to create a more enjoyable, engaging user experience for your customers.


It’s been hard to escape the headlines over the last few years – from massive scale psychometric data mining and political manipulation, to issues around privacy and consent…

Humanity is at a crossroads, and the path we choose now will determine the future we build. With our online environment and consumer expectations more complex than ever before, how can brands succeed in an ethical, sustainable way without compromising their values or those of their customers?

What roles do ethics and empathy play? And how can we build marketing strategies that empower and engage the right people for mutual benefit?


Why are some headlines, videos and content pieces so much more persuasive than others? And how can we use smart personalisation to ethically enhance experiences for our customers?

In this presentation, we’ll explore some of the most powerful psychological principles and tools you can use to optimise persuasive content to engage, delight and move people to action.


Whatever the interface you’re designing for, if you want to successfully engage users and drive them towards action, you have to understand the psychological motivations, biases and principles that shape their behaviour.

From interaction cost and responsiveness, to cognitive load and dopamine loops, we’ll explore some of the principles you can use to optimise your platform or product to create more resonant user experiences.


Why do share certain things and not others? In this talk, I’ll reveal the underlying principles, triggers and social dynamics that underpin how and why we share.

From topical memes to viral videos, we’ll look at what it takes to make a customer click, and how you can use specific techniques to invite people to read, watch and share anything.

We’ll also explore the psychological mechanics that make our social feeds so irresistible, and discuss how you can use these principles ethically in your business.


How much intimate data you unknowingly share about yourself on a daily basis?

With headlines increasingly revealing how companies and organisations are capitalising on our behavioural data, often without our knowledge or consent, this talk explores some of the research, consumer trends and legislations that characterise the personalisation-privacy debate.

From behavioural targeting and psychometric data mining to psychological reactance and the introduction of the EU GDPR legislation, this talk offers a brief introduction to some of the themes central to the discussion surrounding data ethics and best business practice today.


Nathalie doesn’t just deliver keynotes on marketing, trust, integrity, brand loyalty, psychology, persuasive tech, communication, and how to reclaim human connection in an age of AI…

From fire-side chats (Web Summit) to hosting events (Guardian Changing Media Summit), Nathalie also moderates and facilitates other speakers to bring out the best from their insights and stories.

If you’re interested in requesting Nathalie to host a panel or interview your guests, please get in touch here.


For bookings & press enquiries,
please get in touch below or email
bookings (at) nathalienahai . com